iPhone 7 devices won't activate

iPhone 7 devices won't activate

Over time, we have noticed an increase in the number of activation failures, or devices that take a very long time to activate. Specifically, iPhone 7 devices with model number A1660.

Apple has issued a statement regarding these devices, which have been identified as having a defective component on the main logic board of the device.

You can read Apple's statement about the issue, as well as options for remediation here:

These devices can be successfully data cleared, but will fail activation and the device will show "No Service" in the top left corner of the screen.

Because these devices will fail activation, you may see the following symptoms in your FutureDial software:

  • Purple Tile showing "Activation Failure" in red text 
  • Error Code 10030 - Wifi profile loading failure (due to activation failure)
  • Longer than expected processing times while FutureDial waits for the iPhone to activate

Please contact FutureDial support if you have any questions, or if you would like additional help attempting to troubleshoot these faulty devices.

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